It was a tough journey, I spent long hours and a few rather late nights (including this one) but the pictures of Despina are complete. Wile working on the computers in the baseroom I did notice that my interior shot could use a little mroe colour so I upped the saturation a little to give it that air of thick, bold colour and vibrancy. I also thought, considering the climate the city is located in is quite sunny I should tweak the saturation of that one as well.
Now I just need to add them to a presentation document along with all accompanying material: my thumbnails, my concept work, my development sequences (each one of these three I reckon has at least twelve recorded stages attached to it) so that will be my task for Thursday. In regards to burning this all to a DVD there is no serious priority on when I apply them on Thursday as my home PC comes with a rewrite-capable disk drive.
Speaking of which, I spent a couple of hours this evening creating a
cover. I wasn't sure what exactly would go on the back so I left it
blank but if a text box is included I imagine the text box could go over an out-of-focus version of the rear box-art so the reader isn't distracted by the busy background. I have even tested it withi nthe DVD case I acquired. Somehow the spacing of the text and the length of each word allowed me to fit the title in such a way that it could appear as though the title was separated by the intrusion of one of the city's megascrapers.
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