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A 1946 poster (unknown, 2011) |
- Native Title: La Belle et la Bête (the beauty and the beast)
- Primary Language: French
- Format: Black and white
- Year of release: 1946
- Director: Jean Cocteau
- Budget: Unknown
- Film Length: 96 minutes
- Production Company: DisCina
Beauty and the Beast is an adaptation of the classic 18th century fairytale of the same name. It is one of those timeless stories that at its core could be described as the idea that all the wealth and power in the world means nothing without comeone to share it with.
The film follows the story of Belle, the daughter of a successful merchant who ended up in poverty some time ago and has had her and her brother work to keep their finances afloat while her two sisters waltz around in extravogent finery and act like the wealthy well-to-do gentry that they still think they are. One day word reaches the merchant that a single ship of a fleet thought lost returns to port and the merchant travels out of town only to learn that the goods were impounded to pay for his debts much to his annoyance as he had promised gifts for his daughters upon his return. Because he did not even have enough for a bed for the night he risks travelling back in the pitch black where he stumbles across a hidden palace overgorwn with weeds and vines.
Avenant may be an oaf who thinks himself perfect for Belle, but at least he has a heart for her unlike Gaston (Ewing, 2011) |
Not wanting her father to die, Belle sneaks into the stable and mounts the horse, whsipering into its ear the phrase that would bring it to the palace, which she explores before fainting upon first sight of the beast. It happens to be a film that has no clear primary antagonist per se. "What makes this version of The Beauty and the Beast notable is
that there are no real villains. There might be characters that the
audience doesn’t like, but everyone has a legitimate motivation, even if
what they do might end up being wrong." (Erwing, 2011) Avenant is a stark contrast to Disney's Gaston from the 1991 adaptation as while they are both oafs who are shown to be ladies men smitten with Belle, at least Avenant acts charming while Gaston is simply a brute who seems to think Belle would fall for him purely because he is the village stud with huge muscles and sexy hair. And Belle's sisters its probably debateable. They don't seek direct harm to Belle nor do they have anything to do with the events that lead up to Belle's capture. Their only truly malicious acts that could make them villains are their manipulations of Belle after she comes home and their lust for her riches (but at no point do they explicitly want her to die. Even their manipulations are to keep her fro mthe beast while Avenant goes on his quest for her love).
what they do might end up being wrong." (Erwing, 2011) Avenant is a stark contrast to Disney's Gaston from the 1991 adaptation as while they are both oafs who are shown to be ladies men smitten with Belle, at least Avenant acts charming while Gaston is simply a brute who seems to think Belle would fall for him purely because he is the village stud with huge muscles and sexy hair. And Belle's sisters its probably debateable. They don't seek direct harm to Belle nor do they have anything to do with the events that lead up to Belle's capture. Their only truly malicious acts that could make them villains are their manipulations of Belle after she comes home and their lust for her riches (but at no point do they explicitly want her to die. Even their manipulations are to keep her fro mthe beast while Avenant goes on his quest for her love).
Beast may be a repulsive and a savage monster but he's got an amazing wardrobe and sense of fashion! (Bradshaw, 2014) |
Beast's palace is beautiful and also surreal in its designs. The main hall and the main corridor we see is quite minimalist, its features hidden by dark colours that allow the shadows to blend with the walls, bringing out the pillar-flanked windows and doorways. In a way, the living statues (each played by extras with painted arms and faces) could be described as being presented as more "realistic" than anything made of stone at the implied time period, indicating how much care and attention to detail was taken into carving and perhaps to add to continuity the statue in Belle's room also appears to be a person with facepaint even when it is in the background of a shot. Another possibility of these statues is presented by Roger Ebert "are they captives of the Beast, imprisoned by
spells?" we are given no indication, but if so then it adds a very sinister twist to the nature of Beast's castle, but they are definitely suppoed to be animated by magic of a sort.
Possibly a bit too over-the-top a way to end the film. (Black, 2012) |
- Unknown, 2011; Beauty and the Beast (1946); Tristesse; published 30th July, 2011; http://www.bonjourtristesse.net/2011/07/beauty-and-beast-1946.html (last accessed 5th November 2014)
- Ebert R., 1999; Beauty and the Beast; Roger Ebert.com; published December 26th, 1999; http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/great-movie-beauty-and-the-beast-1946 (last accessed 5th November 2014
- Bradshaw, P. 2014; La Belle et la Bête – review; The Guardian; published 2nd January 2014; http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/jan/02/belle-et-bete-review (last accessed 5th November 2014)
- Crowther, B., 1947; La Belle Et La Bete (1946); New York Times; published 24th December 1946; http://www.nytimes.com/movie/review?res=9B03EFD71E3EEE3BBC4C51DFB467838C659EDE (last accessed 5th November 2014)
- Erwing, J., 2011; Beauty And The Beast (1946); published 8th August 2011; http://cinemasights.com/?p=7123 (last accessed 5th November 2014)
- Black, Z., 2012; Cult Pin-Up: Jean Cocteau; White Coffee Magazine; http://www.whitecoffeemagazine.com/2012/cult-pin-up-jean-cocteau/ (last accessed 5th November 2014)
- Brealy, L., 2011; Belle et la bête, La; Empire Magazine; http://www.empireonline.com/reviews/reviewcomplete.asp?FID=132405 (last accessed 5th November 2014)
Hi Mark,
ReplyDeleteAnother well-considered review :)
Just be careful of typing so fast that your words end up strung together, here for example,
'...he risks travelling back i nthe pitch black'
And don't forget to reference after the quote!