So far thought the tutorials I have done (the car and the rocket) have been done using a premade control node that I didn't put in myself, so I am eager to learn how to do that but I am also a little nervous as my understanding of coding is still pretty basic and the process is still a little intimidating to me. Then again I was a little worried at the animation side but the animation processes I have done so far - despite being baby steps in comparison to what I see in movies and video games al lthe time - has boosed my confidence with animation.

Below are the two movies made - one showing the track and the other with the track hidden in the layer options menu. I might still use this tutorial for the batch rendering process to make a refined view as these are quite low-res.
Before all this I had my first lesson of Adobe Audition in the morning and managed to make this using modifications from what I thin kwere a slide whistle, popcorn being cooked and one of those toy lawnmowers for infants. I surprised myself when I was able to make (what I hear as) a fighter plane getting into trouble out of these sources.
I'll still have to investigate the best formats because despite the sound file only being 207kb (as an MP3) and 2mb (as a wave file), it is takeing forever to upload as a video file.
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