The past couple of days my primary focus has been on skinning Four and making sure everything works correctly.
There are some spots where the geometry basically collapses but I feel confident this can be fixed using corrective blend shapesto ease out the deformation.
There is still a bit to go like the fins which I i predict might take a day or two. But the blendshapes for the eyes and brows. I am also thinking of a set of nodes for the cheeks as by performing expression tests with my face I noticed that when squinting or frowning the lower half of the eye rim is pulled up
Then I might also need a similar set for the lips. Next week is going to be interesting to say the least.
Stored above the model is a transformation-free blank copy of the gemoetry that can be used for the blendshape deformer controls.
Re. dissertation - your intro needs to be an intro to the methodology and structure of your dissertation, not to the subject matter itself...